Do you have any concerns regarding the presence of black underarm hair?
Excessive black hair on the arms may be quite an embarrassment. So, what is the solution to them?
It is only laser hair removal. Both men and women can go for laser hair removal. Though most women are worried about eradicating arm hair, guys appear to be exploring this procedure as well. Underarm Laser Hair Reduction in Delhi is provided at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics. If you want to be always party ready and do not want razor bumps in the underarms area, go for this amazing treatment today!
Laser Hair Reduction for Underarms Hair
Laser Hair Reduction procedure eliminates hair from the upper, lower, or entire length of the arm, depending on the patient's preferences. It is likely that after a few laser sessions, arm hair will not grow back, or if it does, it will be extremely fine hair.
Typically, 6-12 sessions of arm laser hair removal are necessary to provide results for women/men. However, there are additional elements that influence the results, such as density, arm hair development, and skin sensitivity. To minimize any complications, it is generally recommended that a patch test be performed before the full laser treatment.
Choose Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics!
We simply cure unsightly underarm hair at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics with the aid of our trained practitioners, who employ cutting-edge lasers. We offer a variety of FDA-approved lasers that allow us to tailor our therapy to your hair and skin color. This procedure is quick and painless, and it may be done over a lunch break. It is carried out by our highly skilled medical personnel. They will also give you treatment advice and allow you to ask them any questions you may have in order to help you make the best decision for yourself. Our specialists will tell you exactly what to expect.
Benefits of underarm laser hair removal
Laser hair removal, unlike shaving or waxing, destroys hair follicles, causing them to stop producing new hair. This may result in fewer, less visible hairs over a longer period of time.
The following are some of the potential advantages of this procedure:
Less underarm hair
Hairs that grow back are lighter in color and have a less coarse texture
Overall, slower hair growth
Hair free lighter underarms
Regain confidence
Cost effective in long run
No more razor bumps or ingrown hair.
How long does it take to see results?
Following the laser hair removal reduction, one may see finer or fewer hairs. Due to the phases of individual hair development, it may take three to four sessions to reach the ideal armpit hair outcome.
Keep in mind that, while laser hair removal is termed "permanent," one will almost certainly want follow-up treatments in the future to keep the smooth underarms.
Maintenance treatments may be required every 6 to 12 months, or whenever the hair regrows.
Permanent Armpit Hair Removal Procedure
The following stages are taken during an armpit laser hair removal procedure:
First, the specialist will clean the treatment area and, if necessary, administer a light anesthetic lotion. For the remainder of the process, one will be provided with protective eyewear.
The specialist will next place a gadget with a light beam over the armpit area. This light causes damage to the hair follicles, leading them to stop producing new hair as they should. Overall, the procedure can be performed in a matter of minutes.
The expert may administer a cooling gel or spray to the underarms to reduce discomfort and other adverse effects.
One will be discharged on the same day of the procedure. As required, the doctor may advise one to use cold compresses or ice packs for the underarms. If the swelling is significant, one may be given a topical steroid cream.
Does underarm laser hair removal hurt?
When compared to other places of the body, the underarms may be more sensitive to discomfort following laser hair removal. This is because the armpit skin is significantly thinner.
While the discomfort is only reported to last a few seconds, one should assess their pain tolerance before scheduling an appointment.
Prior to laser hair removal, the dermatologist may administer a little dose of an anesthetic cream to help reduce underarm pain. However, because of the potential long-term hazards, these products should be used sparingly and only when absolutely required.
The doctor may also advise applying cold compresses to the armpits following the surgery to help relieve any soreness.
Which type of laser works best on underarm hair?
Multiple laser types can be used for laser hair removal. The doctor will select the best one based on the following criteria:
Its safety and efficacy in the underarm region
The thickness of the hair, the color of your skin, and the color of the hair
Working with a specialist who has expertise with laser hair treatments on diverse skin tones is essential.
To help decrease pigment changes in dark skin, less strong lasers, such as diode lasers, are required. Ruby or alexandrite lasers, on the other hand, can be used to cure light skin.
What is the cost of underarm laser hair removal in Delhi?
The cost of underarm laser hair removal in Delhi is determined by the following factors:
Hair follicle density or thickness
The number of sessions offered
The patient's skin tone
The clinic's location
The doctor's experience
The type of laser technology employed during the procedure
Alternative to Armpit Hair Removal Treatments
Underarm laser hair removal may result in longer-lasting benefits. However, other armpit hair removal procedures to consider include:
Waxing: Waxing uses hot wax and strips to remove hair and its roots. While the results stay longer than shaving, one may have comparable side effects, including transient discomfort, swelling, and redness, as with laser removal.
Wet Shaving: Wet shaving is perhaps the simplest way of removing armpit hair. Shaving using shaving cream lowers the risk of razor burns and cuts. While shaving is cheap, one may need to shave the armpits every time taking a bath to keep the results.
Electrolysis: Electrolysis, like laser hair removal, damages hair follicles to limit hair growth. This approach, on the other hand, employs radio frequencies that are not unpleasant. Nonetheless, electrolysis is usually the most costly alternative and can cause irritation and discomfort.
Depilatory creams: After application and washing, depilatory creams destroy hairs on the skin's surface. While these chemical-based solutions are simple to apply, they can burn and blister the skin, so you should avoid them if you have sensitive underarm skin.
To know more about Laser Hair Removal in Delhi, one can consult with Dr. Rohit Batra at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics. It is a leading skin and laser clinic and has advanced lasers to provide unwanted hair removal safely and effectively.
Pay a visit now for more details.