Are you worried about unwanted body hair and want to get rid of it? Opt for laser hair removal!
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective procedure for men and women to eliminate unwanted hair on the arms, legs, face, bikini area, stomach, back, etc. Although the procedure is considered safe, it is best to get it from a licensed medical professional trained in laser technology. Laser hair removal treatment is an effective solution for achieving long-term hair removal. However, to achieve the best before and after laser hair removal results, following the laser hair removal pre-care steps is vital.
This article will delve into how to prepare for laser hair removal. Dr. Rohit Batra, a renowned skin and laser doctor, shared some valuable insights to make this post informative for readers. He founded Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics which offers the best laser hair removal in Delhi. Continue reading for detailed insights. But before we understand the tips to prepare for the procedure, let’s know what laser hair removal is.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses a laser device to target the pigment melanin in the patient's hair by sending light beams to the hair follicles. The light turns into heat, damaging hair follicles and preventing further hair growth. After 8-10 sessions, the laser hair removal procedure slows down or permanently stops hair growth (varies from patient to patient).
How Should I Prepare For Laser Hair Removal?
Although laser hair removal is mostly safe and painless, there is a possibility of negative effects from some pre-treatment activities. Before the procedure, you must address any possible risks with your provider and determine how to prevent them. Before having a laser hair removal procedure, it is important to follow the below dos and don'ts:
1. Clean the Skin Before the Procedure
When you visit the skin clinic for a laser hair removal procedure, ensure your treatment area, i.e., the arms, legs, or bikini area, is clean. Clean skin allows the lasers to go directly into the hair follicles.
2. Avoid Plucking or Waxing
Hair removal methods such as waxing and plucking can pull the hair from the roots. If you pluck or wax the hair before a laser session, the laser device won’t target the hair pigment because the hair has been removed. Six weeks before the laser treatment, refrain from using hair removal techniques, including hair uprooting.
3. Shave the Treated Area
Compared to waxing and plucking, shaving must be done a day or two before a laser hair removal procedure. It does not uproot the hair, so the laser can target the hair pigment. Shaving also helps to remove hair from the skin's surface, which lowers your risk of laser burns.
Are you concerned about how successfully laser hair removal will work for you? You can contact the laser specialists at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics, the best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi.
4. Avoid Sun Exposure
Tanning can increase the risk of laser burns as traditional lasers require a clear contrast between the skin and the hair to target the pigments in the hair effectively. Darker skin tones may cause the laser to target the skin's melanin rather than the hair accidentally. Before the procedure, staying away from tanning beds and the beach for a few weeks is advised. For at least two weeks before laser treatment, you should also refrain from using self-tanning lotions and sprays so that the laser can target the hair follicle rather than the tan skin. Additionally, it lessens the possibility of skin burns.
5. Use Medications With Caution
Some medications can interfere with laser hair removal procedures and can increase the chances of side effects. These include antibiotics, acne products, blood thinners, hormone treatments, topical products with retinol, and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you have been using any of these medications, inform the laser specialist before treatment.
6. Use Skin Products Carefully
Consult with the laser specialist about which products are safe to use before laser hair removal. Some ingredients in skin care products can cause pain, increase the chances of redness, and other side effects. The doctor may recommend discontinuing products having retinol or retinal or benzoyl peroxide.
7. Avoid Alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol the day before laser hair removal may dehydrate the skin and increase discomfort after the procedure.
8. Refrain From Having Coffee
Avoid having coffee for at least several hours before laser treatment. Coffee can make the skin more sensitive and can increase pain or discomfort, just like alcohol.
9. Avoid Getting Laser Hair Removal After Botox and Dermal Fillers
Wait for at least two weeks after dermal fillers or botox treatment to have a laser hair removal treatment. If the injectables have not settled, the treatment can affect the cosmetic treatment’s effects and cause swelling and redness.
Final Takeaway
Laser hair removal is a popular treatment, providing long-lasting and permanent results. It also causes minimal pain and side effects if you prepare well before a laser hair removal procedure and follow the doctor's instructions carefully.
So, are you ready for hair-free skin? Book a consultation with the laser experts at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics to avail the benefits of laser hair removal in Delhi. The expert team will create a personalized plan for you, and with advanced and FDA-approved technology, they will help you achieve smooth and flawless skin.
The experts at the clinic use advanced technologies such as alma soprano ice and alma soprano ice platinum, which deliver effective results and treat all skin and hair types. For more details on this procedure or how much laser hair removal costs, visit Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics today. The cost of laser hair removal at the clinic ranges from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 20,000 per session (depending on the areas treated).
Visit the clinic today to know the exact pricing!